My Story
November 2, 2016
How much weight will I lose with liposuction? Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure. Most people are surprised to learn fat doesn’t weigh very much when compared with skin, muscle and bone. The idea behind liposuction is to remove fat in stubborn areas that do not respond to diet or exercise. It’s designed to…
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My Story
November 28, 2016
“Now I have what I used to admire about others…a new sense of self-worth.” Rebecca admits she never had a great deal of self-esteem. The confidence she sensed in others was something she couldn’t relate to even through her teens and 20’s. By her 30’s, Rebecca was a wife and mother. Over time, the…
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My Story
November 28, 2016
“I decided it comes down to how I feel about my body, not how people see me.” Celebrating a 50th birthday and three grown children, Mary decided to have liposuction done. Considering the latest statistics from the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery–she is in good company. Liposuction was ranked the number one cosmetic…
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My Story
January 14, 2017
“I lost an entire person in more ways than one. It was a miracle.” By her early 30’s Kathy was busy raising three active children. Gradually she began putting on weight–a lot of it–and found herself in an endless cycle of yoyo dieting. “I have such empathy for other women in that condition. You feel…
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My Story
February 13, 2017
“Now, not only do I feel amazing in my clothes, but I love trying on new pieces that I would have never even considered before.” Sometimes what might seem to others to be quite a subtle change in appearance can be the tipping point for the person looking in the mirror. Jessica’s quest began with…
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My Story
February 24, 2017
“…No one could see it, but it really bothered me. This was something I had to do for me and no one else…” Olivia is a Physician Assistant and former Assistant Professor at one of the largest medical programs in the country. Today she is both an instructor and practitioner in aesthetic vascular and injectable…
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My Story
March 27, 2017
“Dr. Lee is not just technically brilliant, he is a fabulous human being.” Toni’s mirror was not agreeing with her. After months of training at the gym, all her efforts had paid off. She lost 40 pounds. “It was a dramatic change,” says Toni. “The improvement in my muscle tone was significant. At 58 years…
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My Story
April 27, 2017
“My bras resembled soup bowls and my waist was gone. I wanted my figure back.” At 62, Jane was feeling the effects of menopause. “I looked in the mirror and all I saw were breasts and a thick waist. Nothing was working for me. None of my clothes fit…I felt frumpy and matronly.”The breast implants…
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My Story
June 2, 2017
“Dr. Lee told me his goal wasn’t to create the perfect nose…just the perfect nose for me.” Sometimes a photograph can be more ruthless than a mirror. Chris remembers her college graduation picture displayed in her grandparent’s living room. “I would say “Look at that Italian nose!” My whole life I joked about it because…
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My Story
July 31, 2017
“Dr. Lee’s questions were thoughtful. He wasn’t just looking for an answer, he was trying to understand the feelings that were behind my answer.” Breast implants are actually quite strong. Statistically, the rupture rate of both saline and silicone implants is around 1% per year, which slightly increases over time. Unfortunately for Lindsay, a serious…
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My Story
August 24, 2017
“Recognize that a procedure, treatment or technique is only as good as the surgeon performing it. Liposuction is not a magic wand unless it is in the hands of an artist, so really get to know whose hands you are trusting.” On paper, at 5’8” and 124lbs. Teresa seems an unlikely candidate for liposuction. In…
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My Story
September 7, 2017
No two people age at the same rate. The aging process doesn’t care how many candles are on your birthday cake. At 50 years old, Mary is an example of the growing trend of younger women seeking full face and necklifts. “I’ve always been vigilant about sunscreen and overall skin care, so my skin quality…
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