“The small incision is in the fold of the breast and the implant is placed underneath the pectoralis muscle using a funnel and minimal touch technique.”
“The small incision is in the fold of the breast and the implant is placed underneath the pectoralis muscle using a funnel and minimal touch technique.”
All photos are taken with the same camera, lighting, facial expression, and angle. This ensures an accurate representation of the surgical result.
Identifying marks and jewelry have been blurred for patient privacy.
This 34 year old patient desired improvement in her breast shape and size. Despite having multiple children her breast did not require a lift at the time of implant placement. There are many factors to consider when determining if a patient needs a breast lift.
These are things discussed by Dr. Lee during the consultation. This patient displays a wonderful result at her one year follow-up appointment after having under the pectoralis muscle placement of 425 cc smooth round moderate plus profile silicone gel implants.